Contribute - Unmarked custom.

Komond Written at 18 May 2008 on 21:06
Written at 18 May 2008 on 21:06
What the topic says, if you find some unmarked custom we didn't found yet, could tell us to do it.
We could mark it or delete him, but at least, the poster shouldn't be unmarked when known.
Komond Written at 26 May 2008 on 18:06
Written at 26 May 2008 on 18:06
Jurassic Park 3

It's something I already think I know. Even with the working title being Jurassic Park 3: Extinction, they've never really make any poster with that title isn't it?
Martin Written at 26 May 2008 on 18:54
Written at 26 May 2008 on 18:54
Is this just a coincidence or can you see the Issues list in the admin-area? Timothy sent in a lot of issues today about this (that is these posters being customs) 😄

But to be on-topic, I've no idea actually.
Komond Written at 26 May 2008 on 19:26
Written at 26 May 2008 on 19:26
No, I can't see them 😁 I guess is just a coincidence, I was looking some posters and found them. At first I was thinking to mark them, but then I saw the akas on imdb, and found the working title. If some fan knew it its possible they make a custom with that title, but there's too the possibility of them being a too previous version.

But... the thing that really makes me think they are customs, is that they are too many for a working title, and all of them are 380x561, that suggest me they were made by the same person.

Edit: Well, there are some others that have too 380x561 and seem to be I guess that is not a so important clue as I thought...
Komond Written at 26 May 2008 on 19:41
Written at 26 May 2008 on 19:41
Ha, I found the reason of the coincidence 😝

I saw a poster pending for approval of Jurassic Park 3, that was uploaded by Timothy (reason because he surely saw them) and I found too many posters looking as customs when looking if we had his and the quality.

So well, that's the connection between both of us finding those customs at the same time 👍
Steinninn Written at 11 Jun 2008 on 17:07
Written at 11 Jun 2008 on 17:07
Some of the Watchmen posters have to be custom
Komond Written at 11 Jun 2008 on 18:37
Written at 11 Jun 2008 on 18:37
Well, most of them are promos, I don't know but maybe they were made posters:

Comic it's not exactly a custom:

And the only original poster:

So the true customs must be those two isn't it?:

Correct me if I'm wrong 😉 And thank you for telling
sonnyLUCIFER Written at 15 Jun 2008 on 02:08
Written at 15 Jun 2008 on 02:08
theres actually WAY too many custom posters to notify. I myself make posters and I know alot of others who do and I see their stuff here too.

Do you want me to notify each and every poster I see?
Komond Written at 15 Jun 2008 on 08:51
Written at 15 Jun 2008 on 08:51
Why not, if you are sure they are it must at least be marked. And well, with custom we talk more about a custom design that a reconstruction (if they are great and has nearly no differences).
sonnyLUCIFER Written at 15 Jun 2008 on 22:49
Written at 15 Jun 2008 on 22:49
eh it's too much work. Besides, most of them are pretty obvious that their fan made.
Crane Written at 28 Jun 2008 on 13:18
Written at 28 Jun 2008 on 13:18
Komond wrote:
It's mine 😄

I have it from here so it's not 100% custom.
Truth_About_Love Written at 26 Jun 2015 on 15:15
Written at 26 Jun 2015 on 15:15
The following Arrow posters are all customs:

Arrow 1

Arrow 2

Arrow 3

Arrow 4

Arrow 5

Arrow 6