Development - High Res Poster.

Merick13 User

Written at 25 Jun 2009 on 20:17

Hello All !

Could it be possible that a high res poster section be created ?

As you can see in my profile, I only upload High Res posters and if I need one, I only take High Res ones also.

Minimum requirements should be at a 300dpi resolution and a size of 1535 x 2175 in height. (for custom DVD covers conception)

Thank in taking this request in consideration.

Komond Moderator

Written at 25 Jun 2009 on 20:51

You could use the filter, it's the gear icon up (). There you can easily put:

Add website restriction: P::Resolution Width between 1535 and 5000. Then "Apply filter!" and it's done.

You can change it whenever you want and save it not needing to add it each time you enter the page.

About the dpi there's nothing already done about that and I don't know if it's going to be done in the future or if it's possible to implement easily, so by now you will have to use only the resolution system.
Merick13 User

Written at 25 Jun 2009 on 23:00

Thank You very much Komond for this answer...I did not know this option was offered on the site.

Movieposterdb being the best Movie Poster site... it will be with pleasure that I continue posting my new High Res Posters...


Komond Moderator

Written at 26 Jun 2009 on 01:53

No prob, we are here to help. You may want to try other restrictions too, as you can put them together, you may only want High-res posters, or only High-res posters and textless, or only High-res posters and textless from USA, or whatever, up to 5 restrictions.

It's one of the most useful tools Martin has designed for the web, so everyone can make a page closer to their desires.

PS: about the poster, cover, textless, I would only suggest you to always have too "unset", as the categories are not in the page for so long to have the base completely categorized (it's 45% categorized aprox). Anyway, that system would put out lots of already categorized customs, covers, or whatever you want to avoid.
Merick13 User

Written at 26 Jun 2009 on 07:12

... I've started to test different options.....

Cool work.
