Red White & Blue 2010

Critics score:
78 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Jeannette Catsoulis, New York Times: An engrossing -- and profoundly distressing -- tale of random connection and specific revenge. Read more

David Fear, Time Out: This Amerindie's horror elements are actually its least interesting aspects; you wish that British director Simon Rumley had stuck with that first half's beguiling look at a new, weird Americana and left the exploitation trappings to lesser filmmakers. Read more

David Lewis, San Francisco Chronicle: Without giving away too much, I offer two words of advice: Brace yourself. Read more

Jay Weissberg, Variety: Influences of helmers like Larry Clark and Wes Craven are pronounced: The first half is pure montage, foregoing slick visuals so the characters' personalities, coupled with a disturbing stillness, take root. Read more