Sixpack Annie 1975
Psychic Killer 1975
Apache Blood 1975
The Centerfold Girls 1974
Runaway! 1973
Deathmaster 1972
Die grosse Treibjagd 1968
Lucky, el intrépido 1967
FBI Code 98 1963
The Chapman Report 1962
The Longest Day 1962
A Majority of One 1961
A Fever in the Blood 1961
Ice Palace 1960
Yellowstone Kelly 1959
The Big Operator 1959
The Beat Generation 1959
Tarawa Beachhead 1958
Onionhead 1958
Too Much, Too Soon 1958
The Night Runner 1957
Outside the Law 1956
I'll Cry Tomorrow 1955
The Spoilers 1955
The Looters 1955
Chief Crazy Horse 1955