One night, a boy named Takuto washes up on shore swimming from the mainland. He later enrolls in Southern Cross High School as a freshman and makes new friends. However, beneath the school is a group of mysterious giants called Cybodies, which can be controlled by humans in an alternate dimension known as Zero Time. Takuto, The "Galactic Pretty Boy", finds himself dragged into opposition with the "Glittering Crux Brigade".
Tagline: | Dashing Entrance! Galactic Pretty Boy! |
Mamoru Miyano
Takuto Tsunashi (voice)
Takuto Tsunashi (voice)
Saori Hayami
Wako Agemaki (voice)
Wako Agemaki (voice)
Jun Fukuyama
Sugata Shindō (voice)
Sugata Shindō (voice)
Akira Ishida
Reiji Miyabi / Head (voice)
Reiji Miyabi / Head (voice)
Ami Koshimizu
Keito Niichi / Ivrogne (voice)
Keito Niichi / Ivrogne (voice)
Chiemi Chiba
Benio Shinada / Scarlet Kiss (voice)
Benio Shinada / Scarlet Kiss (voice)
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Also known as:
- Star Driver
- STAR DRIVER: Shining Takuto
- STAR DRIVER: Takuto's Radiance
- נהג הכוכב: טאקוטו הזוהר