Set on the eve of the next G8 Summit, this miniseries follows a mother's desperate struggle to bring justice to her murdered son, fallen victim to a corrupt pharmaceutical company.

Tagline: A corrupt government, a deadly secret, and a race against time.
Lisa Ray Lisa Ray
Rebecca Downy 
James Purefoy James Purefoy
Thom Lightstone 
Rachelle Lefevre Rachelle Lefevre
Leonie Adderly 
Bruce Greenwood Bruce Greenwood
Richard Adderly 
Wendy Crewson Wendy Crewson
Ellie Bruckner 
Christopher Plummer Christopher Plummer
P.J. Aimes 
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Also known as:
  • La cumbre
  • Virus - der Tod kennt keine Grenzen
  • A csúcstalálkozó