Groundhog Day 1993

Critics score:
96 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Gene Siskel, Chicago Tribune: Murray's wiseacre persona is perfect for what could be saccharine material in other hands. Read more

Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times: Groundhog Day may not be the funniest collaboration between Bill Murray and director Harold Ramis... Yet this gentle, small-scale effort is easily the most endearing film of both men's careers, a sweet and amusing surprise package. Read more

Jay Boyar, Orlando Sentinel: A movie that continually replays a single day could quickly become tedious but, strangely enough, Groundhog Day never does. Read more

Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer: Murray hasn't made a comedy this winningly dumb and smart and -- yes -- sweet in a long time. If, indeed, he ever has. Read more

Janet Maslin, New York Times: Mr. Murray is back in top form with a clever, varied role that draws upon the full range of his talents. Read more

Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader: Considering that none of the characters is fresh or interesting, it's a commendable achievement that the quality of the storytelling alone keeps the movie watchable and likable. Read more

Michael Booth, Denver Post: Since arriving as a mild success in 1993, Groundhog Day has gradually achieved the status of beloved. The American Film Institute rates it No.34 on its list of all-time funniest movies, and it's a story that bears frequent repeat viewings. Read more

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly: Bill Murray is the one veteran of the Saturday Night Live/SCTV axis who still knows how to enter into a giddy conspiracy with his audience. Read more

Duane Byrge, Hollywood Reporter: While Murray's deadpan putdowns and dry dismissals of provincial peccadilloes are the comic highlights, Groundhog Day is no supercilious rip of small-town U.S.A. Read more

Michael Sragow, New Yorker: Even if you applaud Bill Murray's evolution from inspired comedian to minimalist seriocomic actor, it's a relief to revisit his most varied and charming role as Phil Connors. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: This movie has all the qualities necessary to be a crowd-pleaser: likable characters, charismatic performers, a strong, capably-executed premise, and lots of laughs. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: The film is lovable and sweet. Read more

Richard Corliss, TIME Magazine: [Murray] carries Groundhog Day with his uniquely frittery nonchalance and makes the movie a comic time warp anyone should be happy to get stuck in. Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: Ramis directs this surreal suburban fantasy with an admirably light touch, revelling in its absurd repetitions, surprising us with narrative ellipses, and allowing Murray ample space to indulge his special mix of sarcasm and smarm. Read more

Richard Natale, Variety: Ramis' direction is often too cool and restrained. He wisely avoids playing into the tale's underlying sentimentality. Read more

Hal Hinson, Washington Post: ... brilliantly imaginative ... Read more

Desson Thomson, Washington Post: Groundhog will never be designated a national film treasure by the Library of Congress. But, in terms of vehicle selection, this is one of the better ones Murray has hitched himself to. Read more