Resident Evil: Apocalypse 2004

Critics score:
21 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Chuck Wilson, L.A. Weekly: This is efficient, soul-numbing moviemaking, diverting enough for blistering September afternoons when what's onscreen is secondary to how high they've cranked the air conditioning. Read more

Robert K. Elder, Chicago Tribune: As video game movies go, this one contains less plot and character development than Pac-Man. Read more

Jeff Shannon, Seattle Times: It's junk, but it's fun junk, and its target audience won't be disappointed. Read more

Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle: Almost nothing in the movie seems original. Read more

Richard Roeper, Ebert & Roeper: ... dreadful piece of work. Read more

Randy Cordova, Arizona Republic: Resident Evil: Apocalypse accomplishes the odd feat of having several things going on at once yet never being terribly exciting. Read more

Wesley Morris, Boston Globe: Like so many movies with a keypad for a brain, Resident Evil: Apocalypse is another exercise in making us feel the irritation associated with having to stand behind some game hack for our turn to play. Read more

Kevin Crust, Los Angeles Times: Witt injects the film with plenty of razzle-dazzle on the visual side, but the pace deadens whenever the zombies are offscreen or the characters open their mouths long enough to do anything more than grunt. Read more

Cliff Doerksen, Chicago Reader: Is it utopian to expect better of the next first-person shooter that comes to the screen? Read more

Gregory Kirschling, Entertainment Weekly: The undead are back to stumbling in the dark, sometimes even in blurry slo-mo, making the many packs of them about as terrifying as the mobs waiting for Matt and Katie outside the Today studio. Read more

Gary Dowell, Dallas Morning News: For a brand-new movie, it feels very dated. Read more

John Anderson, Newsday: No one looking for nonstop violence, galloping gore, end-of- days-style hysteria or dogs slathered in barbecue sauce will come away disappointed. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: Unlike the Lara Croft films -- which at least infused their software female with a certain feminism -- Resident Evil: Apocalypse is content to stick to big guns and basics. Read more

Robert Dominguez, New York Daily News: Should please the target audience. Read more

Dave Kehr, New York Times: If you are in the mood for leggy heroines blasting down zombie armies with absurdly large automatic weapons, the sequel to Resident Evil gives very good value for the money. Read more

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: Not good or even competent. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: A film without interest, wit, imagination or even entertaining violence and special effects. Read more

Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune: If creative bankruptcy was legally actionable, this film would be in Chapter 11. Read more

Stephen Cole, Globe and Mail: There is no acting or character development here -- just shouting, shooting and calisthenics. Read more

Trevor Johnston, Time Out: The heart plummets at the prospects for a follow-up. Read more

Claudia Puig, USA Today: Monstrous zombies rampage through a peaceful metropolis. Carnage is everywhere. Still, one can't help but yawn one's way through Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Read more

Scott Foundas, Variety: Calamitously uninspired and borderline incoherent. Read more

Ben Kenigsberg, Village Voice: Obviously padded, too long on action, and painfully short on irony. Read more

Richard Harrington, Washington Post: Plot and narrative? Minimal. Confrontations? Endless. Surprises? None. Read more