28 Hotel Rooms 2012

Critics score:
43 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Stephen Holden, New York Times: "28 Hotel Rooms" slowly expires for lack of air. Read more

Tom Keogh, Seattle Times: A chamber piece rooted in semi-improvisation. Read more

Noel Murray, AV Club: In its own small way, in documenting two people who want to be together but are too scared to commit, Twenty-Eight Hotel Rooms is masterful. Read more

Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times: The intimate romantic drama "28 Hotel Rooms" should prove a fine calling card for its first-time writer-director, Matt Ross. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: While Messina and Ireland are fine company, writer-director Matt Ross' conceit tires you out. Read more

Eric Hynes, Time Out: Dismaying affectations aside-the characters go needlessly unnamed-the movie articulates the enduring allure of a love defined, and heightened, by restrictions. Read more

Robert Koehler, Variety: Lacking much dramatic or intellectual stimulation, it's ultimately a limp effort. Read more

Michael Nordine, Village Voice: In eliminating all the filler, it ends up feeling like nothing but. Read more