À l'Instinct 2023


Teva Royer, a police lieutenant in Cayenne who is close to his feelings and without a filter, trusts his instincts blindly. Raised in a village in the heart of the Amazon, he survived alone in the jungle for seven months when he was just a child. No one knows what happened during those long weeks, but since then, no emotion, no hesitation, no movement escapes Teva.

Directed by: Myriam Vinocour
Written by: Mélina Jochum & Alexandra Julhiet & Benoît Valère
Release date: 2023-02-03
Runtime: 86 minutes
Christopher Bayemi
Christopher Bayemi
Teva Royer 
Charlie Bruneau
Charlie Bruneau
Ana Kerjouan 
Camille Aguilar
Camille Aguilar
Mayel Elhajaoui
Mayel Elhajaoui
Aladin Reibel
Aladin Reibel
Yves Le Cam 
Djinda Kane
Djinda Kane