In Antwerp, Belgium, in 1959, a succession of Interpol agents are gunned down without obtaining what they're looking for: a list of all the influential crooks. Only one remains, Larry Laine, who is about to show them what he's made of.

Directed by: Yvan Govar
Written by: François Germain & Jean-Michel Sorel & M.C. Moreau
Runtime: 88 minutes
Pierre Trabaud Pierre Trabaud
Larry Laine 
Dominique Wilms Dominique Wilms
Mireille, heady singer 
René Dary René Dary
Jess Hahn Jess Hahn
Dave, Larry's friend 
Marcel Portier Marcel Portier
Christian Méry Christian Méry
Paolo the Corsican 
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Also known as:
  • Tonight We Kill