Doctor Franken 1980


This variation of the Frankenstein legend, set in a brownstone in present-day Manhattan, has Robert Vaughn as a determined New York surgeon bringing "parts" home from work -- the hospital where he does experimental research -- to painstakingly rebuild the shattered body of an anonymous patient with organs from various donors.

Directed by: Marvin J. Chomsky & Jeff Lieberman
Written by: Lee Thomas
Release date: 1980-01-13
Runtime: 100 minutes
Robert Vaughn
Robert Vaughn
Dr. Arno Franken 
Robert Perault
Robert Perault
John Doe - Room 841 
David Selby
David Selby
Dr. Mike Foster 
Teri Garr
Teri Garr
Kelli Fisher 
Josef Sommer
Josef Sommer
Mr. Parker 
Cynthia Harris
Cynthia Harris
Anita Franken