Engraçadinha 1981


After the funeral of her father Arnaldo, who committed suicide, Engraçadinha confesses to the priest the motives. On the engagement party of her cousin Sílvio with Letícia, Engraçadinha seduces him in the library, and later she ends her engagement with Zózimo and lies to Letícia, telling that she is pregnant. Letícia decides to tell Arnaldo what happened, and he says that the child can not be born. He exposes dirty secrets to Engraçadinha, and a tragedy is announced.

Directed by: Haroldo Marinho Barbosa
Written by: Haroldo Marinho Barbosa
Release date: 1981-01-01
Runtime: 103 minutes
Lucélia Santos
Lucélia Santos
Nina de Pádua
Nina de Pádua
Wilson Grey
Wilson Grey
Daniel Dantas
Daniel Dantas