Fernand clochard 1957


The tramp Fernand and his dog Brigadier discover some extraordinary jewels in a bag lost in a ditch. Brigadier, who doesn't like being mistaken for a dog, doesn't believe in the authenticity of the jewels. Then, discovering the owner, he introduces Fernand to the big wide world. Ghislaine Lafont-Dubreuilh, the daughter of the found jewels, sure of her fiancé, whom she neglects, is only concerned with the tramp's future. Her introduction to politics, boxing and wrestling leads to as many failures for the tramp as successes for Fernand Raynaud in his repertoire. Finally, the tramp becomes chaplinesque, restoring the fiancé to his belle's heart and taking only the English chambermaid on the road.

Directed by: Pierre Chevalier
Written by: Jean-Pierre Feydeau
Runtime: 92 minutes
Fernand Raynaud
Fernand Raynaud
Magali Vendeuil
Magali Vendeuil
Ghislaine Laffont-Dubreuilh 
Jean-Marc Tennberg
Jean-Marc Tennberg
Renée Devillers
Renée Devillers
Mrs. Laffont-Dubreuilh 
Colette Castel
Colette Castel
Paul-Émile Deiber
Paul-Émile Deiber
The head waiter 
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Also known as:
  • Fernand the Tramp