James White 2015


James White is a troubled twentysomething trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his mother's battle with a serious illness faces a series of setbacks that force him to assume more responsibility. With the pressure on him mounting, James must find new reserves of strength or risk imploding completely.

Directed by: Josh Mond
Written by: Josh Mond
Release date: 2015-11-13
Runtime: 85 minutes
Tagline: Sometimes we choose our path. Sometimes our path chooses us.
Christopher Abbott
Christopher Abbott
James White 
Cynthia Nixon
Cynthia Nixon
Gail White 
Kid Cudi
Kid Cudi
Makenzie Leigh
Makenzie Leigh
David Call
David Call
IMDb James White movie stills
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