Navy Secrets 1939


After a stamp-collecting Navy chief petty officer is jailed following FBI and Naval Justice investigation, his fiancee meets one of his fellow officers, becomes romantically interested in him, and joins him in trying to get an envelope, believed to contain rare stamps, to its intended recipient, only to end up in a web of intrigue involving foreign-accented men who are unusually interested in that simple envelope.

Directed by: Howard Bretherton
Written by: Harvey Gates
Runtime: 62 minutes
Fay Wray
Fay Wray
Carol Mathews, alias Carol Stevens 
Grant Withers
Grant Withers
Steve Fletcher, alias CPO Steve Roberts 
Dewey Robinson
Dewey Robinson
Nick Salado 
André Cheron
André Cheron
Joe Benje 
George Sorel
George Sorel
Robert Frazer
Robert Frazer
Peter Droit