Okupacija u 26 slika 1978


Set in Dubrovnik, this drama chronicles a friendship between three men, that began just before World War II. One of the men is of Italian origin, another is the wealthy heir of a shipping fortune, and the third is the son of a Jewish antique-store owner. Before the war, they are fast friends, enjoying one another's company at carnivals and at a private fencing club. However, when the war comes, the Italians and Germans move in to create the Independent State of Croatia. The Italian friend becomes a fascist and courts and marries the sister of his rich friend. Soon enough, atrocities are being committed, and anyone suspected of Jewish or Serbian parentage or anti-fascist leanings, is killed.

Directed by: Lordan Zafranović
Written by: Lordan Zafranović & Mirko Kovac
Release date: 1978-06-07
Runtime: 116 minutes
Frano Lasić
Frano Lasić
Tanja Poberžnik
Tanja Poberžnik
Boris Kralj
Boris Kralj
Ivan Klemenc
Ivan Klemenc
IMDb Okupacija u 26 slika movie stills
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Also known as:
  • Occupation in 26 Pictures
  • Okupace ve 26 obrazech