"Air Gear" 2006


Itsuki Minami is a school student notorious for engaging in street fights, a reckless punk that will break through any obstacle, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks his true desire to rule the skies takes off.

Kenta Kamakari
Kenta Kamakari
Itsuki Minami 
Mariya Ise
Mariya Ise
Ringo Noyamano 
Kazuma Mikura 
Masami Kikuchi
Masami Kikuchi
Hitoshi Bifu
Hitoshi Bifu
Issa Mihotoke 
Cocoro Kikuchi
Cocoro Kikuchi
Akito Wanijima 
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Also known as:
  • Air Gear: Break on the Sky
  • Air Gear: Kuro no Hane to Nemuri no Mori - Break on the Sky
  • エア・ギア 黒の羽と眠りの森 -Break on the Sky-